Terms & Conditions
Release and Hold Harmless Agreement
The Undersigned Participant, or Undersigned Parent/Guardian of the Participant, assumes the unavoidable risks inherent in all horse-related activities, including but not limited to bodily injury, physical harm, loss, damage, or death to the participant, spectators, family members, guests and any horses owned by the Undersigned.
The Undersigned also understands that in equine facilitated learning, it is common for uncomfortable emotions to arise. These emotions can be unsettling, triggering, and traumatizing and could take multiple sessions to resolve. The Undersigned hereby releases, waives, and covenants not to sue for any emotionally related damages.
The Undersigned also understands that when participating in equine facilitated learning where it is appropriate to mount the horse, riding helmets are highly recommended. The Undersigned understands the inherent risk of not wearing a helmet if he/she chooses to do so. The Undersigned hereby releases, waives, and covenants not to sue for any reason related to the refusal to wear a helmet.
In consideration, therefore, for the privilege of riding, observing, working with and/or engaging in Equine Facilitated Learning related activities with the horses and other animals with Kelly Tobin, the Undersigned does hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify against all claims, Kelly Tobin, and any other facilitators, or instructors or apprentices and any and all Heirs and Assigns (the Indemnified Parties) and further releases from any liability or responsibility for accident, damage, injury, or illness to the Undersigned Participant and/or Parent/Guardian of the Participant, or to any family member or spectator accompanying the Participant on the premises or around the horses leased or owned by Morgan Hemingway at Hemingway Stables.
By checking the box, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions and hereby releases, waives, and covenants not to sue for any of the above.
Safety Contract
Equine Based Learning and Training Programs
All Equine programs emphasize creativity and responsiveness in relating to horses. The only rules we stress are safety rules. Anyone who knowingly or maliciously breaks these rules is a safety risk for the entire group and, as such, will not be allowed to participate in the program. Horses are prey animals and are easily startled into a flight or fight mode. The following guidelines will prevent serious mishaps and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved, including the horses.
1. Do not feed horses.
2. When leading the horse, never wrap the lead line around your hand. Do not lay the line over your neck or shoulder.
3. Avoid standing directly in front of or directly behind the horse. When walking behind the horse to get to the other side, put your hand on the horse’s hindquarters and move around him with your body close to his body. This allows the horse to know where you are and keeps you from stepping into kicking range (about two feet out from the horse’s body). Children who cannot comfortably reach the horse’s hindquarters are not tall enough to walk safely behind the horse in this manner and should always ask for assistance in walking around the horse. When two people are working with the same horse, they should stand on the same side of the horse.
4. Do not hit or strike a horse. Physical violence only escalates the horse’s impulse to run or fight.
5. Stop what you are doing and move away from the horse or return to the neutral leading position when the instructor calls a “Time Out”. Wait quietly for further instruction.
6. If a horse begins to panic, give him some space. Do not try to restrain him. If the panic escalates, LET THE HORSE GO! Call “Time Out” or “Loose Horse”.
7. As prey animals, horses are very sensitive to the feelings of their herd members as well as the human beings who interact with them. Feelings are a primary source of information to this species. Pay attention to your feelings and how these feelings are changing. If you get frustrated, fearful, or angry, call your own “Time Out” and reassess the situation. Do not hesitate to ask for help at any time.
8. It is not uncommon for human handlers to pick up feelings that actually belong to the horses. If you have distressing feelings that you cannot name or have no logical reason for, call your own “Time Out” and consult an instructor. Many instances of horse panic can be avoided by listening to and analyzing these feelings before they evolve into extreme reactions.
9. Keep your breath flowing. Horses give and receive information through the quality and frequency of their breathing. Holding your breath or producing quick, shallow breaths convey feelings of stress and fear to the horses and can cause them to become stressed or fearful.
Property Policies
Absolutely NO SMOKING on-premises. Do not cross fences or reach through fences to pet any animals at any time.
I have read all of the safety guidelines above and will listen to the accompanying demonstration. I agree to follow these rules to the best of my ability and ask for help when I am having trouble with any of the Equine activities facilitated by Kelly Tobin. I agree to be responsible for my own safety and thus contribute to the safety of the group. If I do not adhere to the above Property Policies I understand I can be dismissed from the program at any time with no refund.